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IsraelTech is the personality and pulse of the Israeli technology scene. We bring leading founders, VCs, innovators, and power players in Israel's famous technology industry to you. 

Current Israeli news and media are outdated and Hebrew-based, which plays to favorites and special interests.

IsraelTech is democratizing and decentralizing access to Israeli tech, by removing the gatekeepers, and letting you hear directly from the innovators, in your favorite newsfeed.

We are overdue for a modern hub of our technology, and we are here to bridge the gap between the industry leaders and influencers, by bringing together a wealth of knowledge, insights, culture, connectors, and investors.

IsraelTech is the resource containing everything you need to know about the Israeli startup ecosystem, and can’t find anywhere else. Bringing Israeli technology to your social media feeds by hosts you can trust, Yoel Israel & Revital Moses.

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Meet Your Hosts

Yoel Israel

Founder and CEO of Wadi & Cyfluencer

Marketed over 500 Israeli startups

Expert on all things tech, marketing, and social media

Revital Moses

Video storyteller & Creator of Moses in Israel

Marketed dozens of Israeli tech companies 

Scripted, filmed, and edited over 100 videos
on I
srael and marketing

Connecting all areas of the ecosystem






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